Women protest against anti-abortion group outside Larbert hospital

Megan Porter and others who believe in pro-choiceMegan Porter and others who believe in pro-choice
Megan Porter and others who believe in pro-choice
A mum's solo protest against anti-abortion campaigners encouraged others to make their feelings known about a Lent vigil taking place opposite Forth Valley Royal Hospital.

Megan Porter (27) became so incensed by the members of 40 Days for Life group who have been outside the busy Larbert facility since February 14 that she turned up with her own placard.

A photograph of her with the “Mind your own uterus” message quickly attracted attention from passers-by and thousands of people on social media.

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Others in favour of pro-choice joined mum-of-two Megan at their own protest on Sunday and Tuesday.

Megan Porter and others who believe in pro-choiceMegan Porter and others who believe in pro-choice
Megan Porter and others who believe in pro-choice

They stood next to the pro-life group, who have been praying and hymn singing daily and in all weathers, not even leaving in the recent heavy snow.

Explaining why she decided to take a stand, Megan from Bainsford said: “I was passing by on a regular basis and it really began to annoy me.

“We’re all entitled to our own opinion but this is a very personal thing. I decided that I had to go along and make my feelings known.

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“During my solo protest I wasn’t there against these people, but I just wish they would live and let live which is the message I wanted to convey.”

Megan, who set up and runs the It’s the Mother blog, added that she was really concerned about the impact the pro-life group could be having on patients attending FVRH.

“Who knows why some women and girls are attending the hospital, these people certainly don’t and I don’t believe they should be doing this outside such a place,” she said.

“I think it is far more important that we educate people and support young girls, not stand about with signs that can frighten them.”

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Megan’s Facebook post about her stance attracted over 1300 shares and 5000 likes.

Megan Porter and others who believe in pro-choiceMegan Porter and others who believe in pro-choice
Megan Porter and others who believe in pro-choice

On Tuesday a spokeswoman for the 40 Days for Life group said their gathering daily was not a protest against abortion but a prayer vigil.

She added that those attending came from churches all over Central Scotland.

The woman said: “We have come here because abortions are being carried out in this hospital every day. This is not a protest but a peaceful prayer vigil. We have compassion.”