Baby of the week: Jackson Hunter from Maddiston

Jackson HunterJackson Hunter
Jackson Hunter
Jackson Alexander Gordon Hunter was born on May 2, 2019 at Forth Valley Royal Hospital in Larbert at 12.02pm. He weighed in at 8lbs 12oz.

THE PARENT: Mum Chelsea Reid (20) is a full-time mum who is living in Maddiston.

THE PREGNANCY: The pregnancy went well apart from some sickness throughout.

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THE BIRTH: Jackson arrived after mum had to have a caesarean section.

THE NAME: She picked Jackson because she really liked the name.

THE BABY: He is a really happy and bubbly baby who is fully content just smiling at everyone.

THE GRANDPARENTS: His grandparents are Margaret and Alexander Reid who are living in Maddiston.

THANKS: The family would like to say thank you to all the midwives at Forth Valley Royal for doing such a good job and being a support to Chelsea throughout her pregnancy.