I'll burn her face so she looks like Freddy Krueger

ODonnell said he would make the female officer look like Freddy KruegerODonnell said he would make the female officer look like Freddy Krueger
ODonnell said he would make the female officer look like Freddy Krueger
A drunken thug threatened to pour boiling water over a female police officer's face so she would look like horror character Freddy Krueger.

The offensive phone call to cops was just one of crimes Jamie O’Donnell (22) committed in the space of a month. In the past he had also sent threatening messages to a former partner.

Appearing at Falkirk Sheriff Court last Thursday, O’Donnell had previously pled guilty to sending threatening messages between December 1 and December 31 last year and behaving in a threatening manner and recklessly throwing a television out of a window in Wallace Street, Falkirk on April 4.

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He also admitted sending the threatening message to police on April 24.

Procurator fiscal depute Gavin Whyte said: “The accused called 101 looking to speak to the police officer who had attended at his property that morning. When he was advised the officer was unavailable he left a message stating ‘she was lucky I never chucked water out my window at her’.

“He added, ‘I will take her head off her shoulders’ and ‘if she comes back near my window I will pour boiling water over her face and she will look like Freddy Krueger’.

“The accused was advised the call was being recorded and he claimed he wasn’t making any threats and then terminated the call.”

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O’Donnell also sent threats to his former partner, including “your car will be next”, “I’m genuinely going to beat you about the place” and “your house is getting done, then your car, then you”.

On a later occasion O’Donnell was drinking alcohol at another gathering when he began acting aggressively. He smashed a mug against a wall and then threw a television monitor out of an open window into the communal back garden.

Simon Hutchison, defence solicitor, said: “He hasn’t got a significant record, has a very good job and provides for his children. He does have difficulties with drugs and alcohol and is spiralling into evermore serious offending.”

Sheriff Derek Livingston said: “Had that TV or monitor hit anyone on the way out of the building you would have been going into custody.”

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O’Donnell, 44 Wall Street, Camelon, was placed on a supervised community payback order for two years with the condition he complete 280 hours unpaid work within nine months. He was also told to pay £70 compensation to the owner of the TV he damaged at a rate of £10 per week.