Strike cancels classes at Forth Valley College

Forth Valley College logo high resolution. FVC logo.Forth Valley College logo high resolution. FVC logo.
Forth Valley College logo high resolution. FVC logo.
A strike by some lecturers at Forth Valley College tomorrow (Thursday) will mean hundreds of students will miss out on classes at the Falkirk Campus.

The staff, all members of the EIS, voted to withdraw their labour in protest at a one per cent pay offer.

The union have proposed a series of dates for industrial action in March including next Tuesday and Wednesday.

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College principal Dr Ken Thomson said: “Following a review of our options, our senior management team decided the college was unlikely to be able to offer a full service on Thursday, therefore in the best interests of our students there will be no classes that day.

“We will review the situation for March 22 and 23.

“As always our focus is on ensuring we continue to deliver the highest quality learning experience for our students whilst a resolution to this dispute is found.”