The Christmas party was organised by the Carron and Carronshore Gala Day committee as a fundraising event.  (pic: Sonja Blietschau)The Christmas party was organised by the Carron and Carronshore Gala Day committee as a fundraising event.  (pic: Sonja Blietschau)
The Christmas party was organised by the Carron and Carronshore Gala Day committee as a fundraising event. (pic: Sonja Blietschau)

Carron and Carronshore gala's Christmas party in pictures

Families enjoyed an afternoon of festive fun on Sunday at a Christmas party in Carronshore.

The event in the village’s community centre was organised by the Carron and Carronshore Gala Day committee as a fundraiser for next summer’s big day.

As well as dancing and games, there was a chance to have your face painted or get a temporary tattoo. Tasty treats for the afternoon included hot dogs and a tuck shop.

Every child also had the opportunity to meet Santa who was taking time out of his busy schedule to stop by, bringing them a small gift.

Following the party, a post on the gala day’s Facebook page from the organisers said: “Massive thank you to everyone who came to our Christmas Party. We raised £774 towards our gala day funds.”

Photographer Sonja Blietschau stopped by during the party and captured these images from the event. Do you recognise anyone in our photo gallery?

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