Members of the public and representatives from a number of the clubs that use the facilities were present at the protest on Saturday.  (Pic: Alan Murray)Members of the public and representatives from a number of the clubs that use the facilities were present at the protest on Saturday.  (Pic: Alan Murray)
Members of the public and representatives from a number of the clubs that use the facilities were present at the protest on Saturday. (Pic: Alan Murray)

In pictures: Community turns out to show support for the Save Bo'ness Reccy campaign

Hundreds of people turned out to show their support for the Save Bo’ness Reccy campaign on Saturday morning.

A peaceful protest was organised by those behind the campaign to show the strength of opposition to Falkirk Council’s decision to close the sports centre.

The Recreation Centre is scheduled to close its doors on Friday, May 3. Councillors voted on January 31 to close it after Falkirk Council’s strategic property review surveyors reported the building was ‘Category D (Bad)’, meaning it is “life expired and/or serious risk of imminent failure”.

Urgent repairs identified included rewiring, new boilers and structural issues, with the estimated cost exceeding £4 million.

And last week the council closed the centre’s swimming pool with immediate effect after another inspection discovered water from the pool leaking into other parts of the building.

The Save Bo’ness Reccy campaign group are continuing their fight against the council’s decision and they were pleased with the turnout on Saturday.

Photographer Alan Murray captured these images from the protest.

Urgent repairs identified included rewiring, new boilers and structural issues, with the estimated cost exceeding £4 million.